Timing Belt Kit + Water Pump

Products & Tools

Timing Belt Kit + Water Pump

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Timing Belt Kit + Water Pump

The experts know that in the case of engines in which the timing belt also drives the water pump, the pump should also be replaced when the timing belt is changed. The Timing Belt Kit + Water Pump makes this job easier, because it contains all the parts needed for the replacement – belt, water pump, pulleys and whatever small parts are required by the relevant vehicle type. Water Pumps by Continental feature mechanical seals made of carbon and silicon carbide and long-lasting integral shaft bearings. The precisely shaped tooth profile of the toothed pulley conserves the timing belt and ensures that it can transmit power synchronously.


  • Timing belt
  • Water pump, if necessary with seal
  • Tensioning pulleys, idler/guide pulleys, tensioning damper
  • Small parts such as screws, nuts and springs
  • Hard-wearing change sticker



Timing belts must not be creased since this will cause the glass-fiber tension members to break inside the belt. The belt’s load-carrying capacity is then no longer assured and it can tear. Consequence: Engine failure.

Replacement interval:

Belt drive components are subject to aging and wear. They therefore have to be regularly checked and replaced. The checking and replacement intervals are always specified by the vehicle manufacturer and must be complied with.


  • Store in a dry, dust-free and cool place (ideally 15-25°C)
  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • Avoid contact with all liquids (oil, water etc.)
  • Maximum storage period: 5 years from date of production (see packaging)


  • Leave timing belt and components in their original packaging until ready for use
  • Continental offers a wide range of special tools for fitting
  • Comply with general fitting tips for water pumps