Replacing a timing belt is costly and time-consuming. So it’s worthwhile replacing other parts as well at the same time. Our PRO Kits have the right solutions for this task: The new additions to the range include not only the timing belt, water pump, tension and idler pulleys plus small parts; the belt for the oil pump is also available.
When the timing belt is due for replacement, it’s usually a good idea to replace other parts at the same time. After all, once the parts have been dismantled in the course of the timing belt replacement, the water pump etc. can be replaced at the same time – without a lot of extra repair work. To make sure that you’ve everything you need for repairs in the workshop, we’ve put together PRO Kits for almost every kind of vehicle. The PRO Kits for changing timing belts include everything from the most streamlined version – the timing belt PRO Kit with tensioning and idler pulleys as well as all the small parts required for the repair – to the comprehensive package with two belts and an additional water pump. Especially for our workshop partners, we’ve also put together complete packages for changing V-belts – with the usual original equipment quality!
New: Water pump PRO Kits for VW TDI 1.6 l and 1.2 l
The 1.6 l and 2.0 l TDI engines from the Volkswagen Group have a particularly long service life. So vehicles with these engines may require their timing belts to be replaced. The belt for the oil pump should also be replaced when the timing belt is replaced (at the latest). For these cases, the new water pump PRO Kits for 1.6 l and 2.0 l TDI engines also include the belt for the oil pump. This makes everything as easy as possible for yourself and your customers: One complete package, one repair job – and the journey continues!

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